Kevin Travis B.S.M.E.
I began my career in drainage as a kid, sitting on the curb with my brother creating obstacles and conduits for water to travel.
With a degree in mechanical engineering from Texas A&M, I was recruited by G.E.'s construction equipment business unit in Hartford CT. as a technical sales specialist, designing switch gear.
A lifetime interest in design, water, landscape and site development led me on a path of horticulture, landscape, understanding the logic and physics of the earth beneath. With brothers as home-builders, I was told about a little known company, Dallas Drain. My interest was in the pipe, one that has proven to play a significant role in what I believe to be, the future of drainage and sustainability.
My father, an Annapolis Naval Officer insisted on excellence. He roused us up each morning commanding, get up boys! Today is another day in which to excel!

Humberto Cardoza
I am Humberto, the maestro.
I have been working with Kevin Travis for over 20 years. I have through my landscape and drainage application experience, become a master of water behavior and its ability to feed and to destruct.
Required resolution is the art that I share. My level of responsibility is one that is both empowering and commanding of my "DREAM TEAM". They are expected to be not only impeccable in the field, but in their purpose. And I can proudly say, they are.
"Carpe Diem"
Vice President

Hi, I'm Kim, the doer of all things Kevin Travis has no time or inclination for.
I come from a primary wireless technology and secondary real estate background, some years in sales training and regional sales management.
Dotted line management has suited me well at DDC. This crew is a pleasure!
"Do one thing every day that scares you"